Considering Purim during Lent: Seeking and Finding, Darkness and Light, Sorrow and Joy

Here is a very interesting reflection on the festival of Purim, which begins this evening at sunset, and its connection to our Christian lives. I found it very thought-provoking, and I think you will, too.

Building Biblical Bridges

I posted this last year at Purim 2020 – I think it still has some useful ideas for Christian appreciation of the festival and I have enjoyed looking over the material again. Enjoy! 🙂

In the next day or two, Jewish communities around the world will celebrate Purim. The origins of this joyous festival are found in the book of Esther. And while neither Esther nor Purim are particularly well-known by contemporary Christians; as a festival with a biblical foundation, I would like to suggest that there is much to be gained by Christians reflecting upon Purim. This, I believe is particularly true as we journey through the season of Lent and look towards Easter.

The book of Esther tells us why the Purim festival is observed annually. Purim is at the very centre of the book, and indeed, the reading of the Esther story in its entirety forms a…

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