There is on earth no greater comfort than Baptism.

Martin Luther

This is one of my favorite quotes from Martin Luther, and seems appropriate to share this week as we get ready to celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord in our worship services this Sunday. This quote is both reassuring to me and challenging to me. It reassures me that my relationship with my loving Creator is all that I ever need in this life. But it also challenges me to seek ultimate comfort nowhere else.

As I think about Jesus himself being baptized in the River Jordan, I can’t help but wonder how often he found comfort in his baptism, as he thought of those wonderful words that he heard from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”

May we all find such comfort in our baptisms, remembering that because of Jesus, we, too, are God’s beloved children, with whom God is well pleased. What a gift this truly is. Why would we seek comfort anywhere else?

7 thoughts on “Favorite Quotes – Martin Luther

  1. A beautiful quote, and so true.

    It is good if Christians know the exact date of their baptisms.
    I was baptised the day after my birth, in the hospital chapel. My parents felt that there was no need to wait. I thank them for that.

    Years later, I renewed my baptism in the Jordan River.
    Christ showed us the importance of baptism, by choosing to receive this sacrament, although he had no sin.

    Let us recall, with joy, the baptism of our Lord. ⚘


  2. Is it true that every day Martin Luther put his hand on his head before getting out of bed a nd said, “I am baptized” or is that a misquote, or something? Thanks. I knew of a seminary professor who when students were running from one building to another in the rain challenged them to remember their baptism. Thanks, Michele

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    1. In Luther’s Small Catechism he wrote that “in the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, you are to make the sign of the holy cross and say: ‘God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit watch over me.” For Luther, making the sign of the cross was a way of remembering his baptism, and since one makes the sign of the cross by first touching one’s forehead, my (long) answer to your question is, Yes! Blessings to you as you remember and live out your baptism!

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